Thanks, Paul
I do hope you're right. My worry is that Jamaica Road is the
alternative to the A2 which is already very busy, which may make Olys
switch, potentially holding up deliveries and buses.
But the real area of concern is public transport. There are large
numbers of us who use the JLE and various rail and Underground routes.
Personally I will come in from Woolwich by Clippers to either Greenland
or London Bridge - or DLR to Shadwell and then ELLX to Rotherhithe,
which is walking distance when I'm feeling well.
We must do our contingency planning well in advance.
On 2011-06-04 12:41:54 +0100, Paul Terry said:
In message , lid writes
We are based at Cherry Garden Pier in Bermondsey. That's off Jamaica
Road, which is part of the Olympic Road Network.
Jamaica Road is specified as an alternative route: "Only used if there
is a problem on other routes – minimal traffic management measures
I therefore doubt that you will see much disruption unless something
goes badly wrong with the main road network. The Jubilee Line, though,
is a different matter - it could well struggle. I'd look at
alternatives such as using the ELLX to Rotherhithe and then getting the
C10 or 381 to Jamaica Road.