Olympic impact on commuters and deliveries - serious worries
In message , at 13:21:40 on Mon, 6 Jun
2011, tim.... remarked:
I don't understand this "night" peak.
AIUI about 6 million people create the normal London peak flows. Even if
all of the Olympic venues finish late it isn't going to be more than
250,000, a fraction of the normal peak so why's it a problem?
Because many Intercity routes shut down too early.
Oh I see the need for extra trains.
It's any justification in calling it a "peak" flow that I can't see!
It's because everyone will be leaving the Olympic venues at pretty much
the same time, creating a genuine "peak" flow at about 11pm, it having
been quiet since maybe 8pm.
It just a later last train as is normal on New Year's eve. No-one calls
that a third peak.
I hope it's more than just one extra train! For one thing, as in my
examples up thread, they need to be taking people further from London
than is traditional on a train starting at 9pm+ (I recall when the last
train home to Westbury from Paddington was a party-pooping 8.30pm, which
isn't so much an issue of Westbury's distance from London (approx 80
minutes) but because it was going to Plymouth and was expected to turn
into a pumpkin at midnight.
Roland Perry