Strike contingency plan Walthamstow to Heathrow
On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 08:19:26 +0100, Roland Perry wrote:
It often helps to say which terminal (or which airline so we can look it
Terminal 3.
If there is no tube, how do we best get to Heathrow?
I assume other services are not affecte d.
That's a difficult journey even if everything's running. What time have
you been told to be at Heathrow - 0650 recommended I'd have thought.
Three hours before the flight? Latest check in is 45 minutes before the
flight, according to the ticket (Scandinavian Arlines). I've always aimed
for two hours.
Try a 'national rail' train from Walthamstow Central to Liverpool Street
[05:19 is the first], taxi to Paddington [5 miles], then Heathrow
Express [06.25 should be possible].
I've been advised off-group by a frequent u.t.l poster that NXEA to
Liverpool Street gets very busy during tube strikes, and that Paddington
have been fairly hard to reach in previous strikes because the Circle / H&C
lines across the top of the circle have not run.
However, will The Chingford - Liverpool St service be too busy to travel
with heavy luggage as early as 6am?
If I punch in Walthamstow Central to paddington in the Journy Planner, it
suggests Bus 23 from Liverpool St Station to Paddington Station [1], taking
47 mins. Is that a bad idea?
Or book a minicab all the way, which should take less than an hour that time of day.
How much would that cost?
[1] If i put in Walthamstow Central to Heathrow Terminals 1-3 instead, it
says Bus 214 from Liverpool St to Mornington Crescent Station and then Bus
27 to Paddington. (Both Journeys starting at 6:04 from Walthamstow
Central.) Strange.