Oyster PAYG And Replacement Buses
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Paul writes
As the Victoria Line is closed tomorrow, what is the situation
regarding people with Oyster PAYG and getting on a replacement bus? Do
you have to touch in on the bus, and if when you do get on the tube
does the system recognise it as one throught journey.
Generally, there are no Oyster pads on the contract buses hired for
replacement services or, if there are, they are set to register a zero
fare if anyone touches in. Those whose journey involves only the
replacement bus generally travel for free, although there may be a
member of LU staff on the bus checking that people have, for instance, a
valid Oyster that would cover the cost of the journey if any charge were
to be levied.
If you are using the replacement bus for only part of your journey, LU
generally set up temporary OSIs at stations along the route so that
Oyster can correctly calculate the fare for the total through journey.
Paul Terry