In message , CJC
In certain conurbations the
road system has been designed for the car and it is easier than using
public transport to get around these places, Birmingham springs to
Not especially. Well no more or less than any other big city, anyway.
I almost always use public transport for radial journeys into
Birmingham, where it is (from my suburb) very good.
Oddly enough, I have to take the Car into Birmingham this evening as I
have a load of equipment to carry. I can't remember when I last did
For cross suburban journeys, the car *is* frequently better but again
this is little different from other cities; I don't regard Birmingham's
road network as being any more or less car orientated than other
provincial British cities.
Then - and this is something I seldom see quoted - there are the
inherent advantages of public transport over the car. You are relieved
of the effort of driving, can sit down and read or just watch the
continuous passing scene [1] and not have to worry about merging
traffic, awkward turns or even keeping awake.
Sometime the car is best, sometimes public transport is best. There's
no "Big Answer", whatever your client would like you to say! :-)
[1] Okay not on the tube in rush hour or on underground sections!
Ian Jelf, MITG, Birmingham, UK
Registered "Blue Badge" Tourist Guide for
London & the Heart of England