Thank you London Underground
"Ross" wrote in message
On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 18:07:38 +0100 [UTC], Zen83237 wrote:
[big snip]
Sorry but I think for a **** up on that scale a rant is deserved.
If you're only concerned with ranting you may as well go and stand on
a street corner shouting at passers-by.
If, on the other hand, you want some sensible reactions and possibly
advice about the best ways to get something done about what is indeed
a serious issue, it might help if you calm down, stop ranting at
people who don't respond the way you want - and post messages that are
actually readable.
Otherwise people won't even bother reading your messages and you'll be
wasting your time.
(Before you ask, no, I don't work for LU or any bit of TfL or have
anything to do with LU trains)
Speaking for me, myself and I. Nobody else
- unless I make it clear that I am...
Well had it been left to people reading the TfL report they would have
successfully swept the problem under the carpet. I assume you would rather
believe the TfL version. Rant or not enough people read it. You can read a
more coherent report in the Evening Standard but the only correct facts in
the report were that it was a Victoria Line Train and it did happen at
Warren Street.