Thank you London Underground
On 13/07/2011 13:14, W14_Fishbourne wrote:
On Jul 13, 11:06 am, "Paul
wrote in message
Loved how that article lead off by describing passengers as "terrified."
Their random hyperbole generator usually gets stuck on 'misery' - perhaps it
has been fixed?
Paul S
No, misery is only generated when delay or minor inconvenience is
involved, though it is a totally inappropriate word since commuting
is, almost by definition, a misearable affair.
Terrified is for when something out of the ordinary happens. The
average passenger not having a clue as to how the railway works, then
becomes terrified.
The way it was described makes me think that it was the train that
stopped, rather than the driver taking any action.
It sounds like the train started, with the driver thinking that he had
all his doors closed -- possibly because something happened with a door
circuit. When he pushed the start button, that door circuit did what it
was supposed to do and cut back in.
Or the wrong colour train turns up
and they are terrified that it might transport them to some far-flung
and probably hostile part of the country.
I'm not quite sure about that, to be honest. I once saw a YouTube video
of an excursion train, I think a 38 stock. The train had come into
Camden Town and was holding at the platform for the starter signal,
obviously with its doors shut.
IIRC, people on the platform were confused about why the train wasn't
opening it doors, oblivious to the fact that the rolling stock was
completely out of the ordinary. The train itself was probably shorter
than usual.