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Old July 15th 11, 08:37 PM posted to uk.railway,
Tim Roll-Pickering Tim Roll-Pickering is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: May 2005
Posts: 739
Default TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford

Arthur Figgis wrote:

Not a new idea of course - the London Regional Rail Authority concept
was being pushed a few years back by TfL under then Mayor Ken. Any
plans to wrest more control over to TfL of London area rail services
are to be welcomed I reckon

As long as it doesn't mean my 377s are replaced by 378s, or the focus
becomes entirely on zone 1 with a "there be dragons" approach to anything
which heads beyond zone 6.

Personally I'd like to see my 315s replaced with a better laid out carriage
and the 378 lay out would probably be the best for the crush crowds on the
Shenfield Metro.

But I agree about the beyond Zone 6 attitude (although if Oyster PAYG was
extended to some of those stations it would be a significant improvement).