TfL's bid to control trains has much going for it - Mark Hansford
"Tim Roll-Pickering" wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
The only other closure since the end of the cold war would be Aldwych,
isn't it?
One could argue whether Shoreditch was a closure or a re-siting.
I think planning law would make that a resiting. There was a rail
replacement bus running between the closure of Shoreditch and the opening
of Shoreditch High Street so officially there was still a service (and
given how limited the Shoreditch tube service was anyway it's hard to
argue that was a substantial loss of service).
If it's a resiting, it was resited from zone 2 to zone 1 - I know someone
who used to make use of the ELL and old Shoreditch as a cheaper way to
commute to the City from south of the rivva - seemingly a not insubstantial
number of others did the same (of course in the grand scheme of things, in
terms of people commuting into central London every day, this flow would
have amounted to very little).