On 03/08/2011 21:43, Neil Williams wrote:
On Wed, 3 Aug 2011 08:25:03 +0000 (UTC), d wrote:
Having used eurotunnel more times than I can count I find it a
mystery why
anyone would still bother with a ferry.
Because travel by ship is a very pleasurable experience.
Ever tried LD Lines from Portsmouth to La Havre, with skool kidz by the
hundred, slightly too few seats to be comfortable*, a bar which feels
like a large East Coast camp site crossed with a school yoof club, a
general air of slight grottiness, a failed door/gangway meaning you
can't get off on arrival...
* make sure you upgrade from the most basic option. It's worth the six
quid or whatever.
Admittedly Turku - Stockholm or sailing down the Croatian coast were
nice, and Harwich - Hoek is great, though the Dutch trains are a bit basic.
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK