On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:29:30 +0100
"Mizter T" wrote:
[x-posted to utl]
"Roland Perry" wrote:
In message ,
at 12:20:19 on Fri, 5 Aug 2011, Steve remarked:
I believe this was discussed on here at the time:
"The RAIB’s preliminary examination has found that a sensitive edge
activation occurred at the previous station, Oxford Circus, which the
"preliminary examination" , ie looked at the computer logs.
driver departed from by overriding the sensitive edge activation. The
activation did not clear when the train arrived at Warren Street station
because the platform was on the other side of the train, so the doors used
at Oxford Circus were not opened. In order to depart from Warren Street
station, the driver isolated safety systems which allowed the train to
move with the doors open. Once the train reached 8 km/h (5 mph) the doors
closed automatically, as designed."
Sounds like that drivers job is toast. Cue another strike threat by the RMT.
Sensitive edge a bit too sensitive and thus liable to regular overrides?
They were a nightmare when they were first put into service. Presumably
Bombardier thought they could save money buy getting the general public
to do the testing for them. They've got the sorted now it seems.