Harrow & Wealdstone lifts
In message , Walter Briscoe
Hooray! We have communication. It could be more speedy, but it exists.
Could you please try emailing me directly?
There are 2 Kones in different shafts up from the platforms at Edgware
and 2 more in different shafts down from the platforms at Golders Green.
I had these, but didn't realize they were Kones. Thanks.
There are 2 Otis lifts at Euston Square. They are in different shafts.
One goes from Westbound Platform 1 to Gower Street level via the ticket
hall level, but does not yet have an exit to Gower Street;
That is lift 2, according to someone else. Are you saying there's a
"street level" button, or you've seen an entrance, or what?
The other goes from the ticket hall to Gower Street.
Lift 1.
I saw no sequence
numbers. Each carries 11 persons/825kg. I don't know how to distinguish
OTIS models.
As far as I know, these are just called "Otis MIP".
Kennington [aa] should read Kennington [oo]
Accords? I wonder when that changed.
I shall try to supply further information on the "?" marks.
Thanks very much.
(I probably ought to try a FoI request.)
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