11 September - special train journeys, yay!
On 17/08/2011 22:29, CJB wrote:
BUT ... what's the situation regarding photography? I remember last
year (maybe the year before that) when a photographer was accosted at
Amersham (?) by a jobsworth member of staff (PCO?) about taking pics
of Sarah Siddons.
Also are they only selling tickets in advance via the web as they did
last year? I'd prefer to turn up (if I can get there), pay and go.
I was happily snapping away at Amersham, Watford and Harrow at the last
few heritage events (along with dozens of others) and had no problems at
all. Many of the people taking photos were staff themselves!
Are you sure you're not thinking of the incident at Upminster (prior to
the depot open day) when some little jobsworth got upset over a couple
of enthusiasts taking pictures of Sarah on a transfer move?
(My understanding is that butts were kicked over that one, and the
enthusiasts concerned received apologies from LU and a (non-financial)
gesture of goodwill).