E-petition: "Re Nationalise Railways"
On Aug 19, 9:25*am, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 16:39:05 on Fri, 19
Aug 2011, Graeme Wall remarked:
[snip various examples of multiple kingdoms]
All very interesting but doesn't negate my point that the United
Kingdom consists of 2 kingdoms
It consists of what used to be two kingdoms, but are now united as one.
and a principality etc.
Indeed. A Kingdom is a land where the people are subjects of a King
(or Queen). After the decease, without heir, of Elizabeth I of
England, James VI of Scotland became King of Scotland and England.
His Kingdom (singular) consisted of both Countries and the
principality of Wales. (I would contest that England only exists
because of Lloegr’s invasion by wild tribesmen from Saxony and
Angulus. So for Cambria to be the “principality” is the tail wagging
the dog, but normal after conquest I guess.)