A less pleasant aspect of 'railway photography'?
On 26/08/11 11:28, 1506 wrote:
On Aug 26, 2:54 am, The Real wrote:
On 26/08/11 10:31, 1506 wrote:
His experience was no worse than yours or mine might have been. But the
fact that he was tortured to death for being gay /additionally/
threatened other gay people and it's for that /additional/ effect that
/additional/ punishment is merited.
IIRC There was no evidence with regard to motive.
Or at least, that's the theory. Seems OK to me.
It is nonsense. Until now, in civilized countries, we have tried
people for actions not thoughts and speech. Big Brother has arrived.
Who said anything about trying people for their thoughts and speech?
It's the /action/ of putting people in a state of fear and distress
which is the potential crime, not the thought processes behind it.
There have long been criminal sanctions for making threats,
intimidation, threatening violence and so on.
PS I agree that we became more civilised when we stopped prosecuting
people for blasphemy.