A less pleasant aspect of 'railway photography'?
On Aug 26, 3:19*am, wrote:
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 10:56:06 +0100
The Real Doctor wrote:
On 26/08/11 10:13, wrote:
So whats your solution then? Swing the pendulum so far the other way that
it alienates white heterosexuals?
You got any evidence that white heterosexuals as a group feel alienated
by tolerance of others?
When that tolerance swings to positive discrimination then yes. And also
when that tolerance goes against the public good - ie I have zero tolerance
of the muslim women who cover their faces (france had the right idea there)
or rastas who say that smoking canabis is part of their "religion" (what
religion would that be - the one where you laze around and do bugger all 24/7?).
In my professional life I have observed less qualified women promoted,
rather than better qualified men. That particular form of
"affirmative action" has been fashionable for a while.