A less pleasant aspect of 'railway photography'?
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:36:17 +0100
The Real Doctor wrote:
Obviously you're a bit hard of thinking but i'll explain - you asked about
white heterosexuals being alienated by tolerance - i'm white and straight.
And I feel alienated in some parts of london. So what I think does matter
a flying fsck in this case.
Read what I wrote, please. I asked about "white heterosexuals as a
group", not about one individuals personal prejudices. I suppose it's
Then why ask. Poll the entire country.
And why bring skin colour into it other than a hackneyed straw man argument
which you have learnt verbatim from the Big Bumper Book of Politically
Debating Techniques?
Ah, "political correctness". The big, horrid bogey man. Scary.
Actually I think of it more as a pathetic crutch for feeble whingers who only
discover a pair of balls when in a large group and ironically have no tolerance
for anyone having a different opinion to theirs. Of course the irony is almost
always lost on them since most are not nearly as bright as they like to think
they are.
Plenty. But nothing to do with them being normal.
So people who aren't white and heterosexual annoy you simply by virtue
of not being "normal", do they? What a lovely, tolerant person you are.