A less pleasant aspect of 'railway photography'?
On Aug 26, 1:05*pm, The Real Doctor wrote:
On 26/08/11 12:47, wrote:
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:36:17 +0100
The Real *wrote:
Read what I wrote, please. I asked about "white heterosexuals as a
group", not about one individuals personal prejudices. I suppose it's
Then why ask. Poll the entire country.
You've already claimed that "it alienates white heterosexuals." Are you
now saying that you have no evidence for that claim?
Plenty. But nothing to do with them being normal.
So people who aren't white and heterosexual annoy you simply by virtue
of not being "normal", do they? What a lovely, tolerant person you are..
Evasion noted, as the late lamented "PC" Hansen would have said.
I don't know why you bother arguing with those two. They are never
going to understand anything that would require any decency or
Just convince them that hordes of muslim/black/student/working class
rioters are coming for them and, with a bit of luck, they'll retreat
into their bunkers and the world will be a much nicer and safer place.