A less pleasant aspect of 'railway photography'?
On Sat, 27 Aug 2011 20:49:29 +0100, The Iron Jelloid
Once upon a time, 1506 wrote:
In my professional life I have observed less qualified women promoted,
rather than better qualified men. That particular form of
"affirmative action" has been fashionable for a while.
Not in the UK it wasn't, ISTR the equality acts ban any form of
discrimination, negative or positive.
There are a number of exceptions, mainly where there is a need to
employ someone fully able to serve the needs in regard to welfare,
training and education of particular groups. This does not necessarily
exclude somebody from another relevant group. Religious employers are
also allowed to discriminate.
I know things were different in
the US, one of the Dirty Harry films partly based on that premise, where
a female cop with no beat experience is promoted to detective in order
to fulfil a mayor's quota. Agree that's a bad way to do it - better to
make discrimination illegal, and then make sure the rule is enforced by
hammering any company that flouts it with large fines.