On Aug 29, 4:06*pm, Dave Jackson wrote:
On 29/08/2011 12:21, Tim Fenton wrote:
flannelled fool
Neddie Seagoon, IIRC. He wanted to buy a penguin...
Must dig out the mp3 player which holds my Goon collection - certainly
be more entertaining than this thread.
There is always something distasteful about off-topic threads that
exist merely to criticize individuals. They have no place in uk.r, et
al. Several months back Whitehead started one in order to belittle
Alan Tracy. Doing so said much more about Whitehead than Mr. Tracy.
MIG is showing immaturity in starting this thread. But, he is young
yet. MIG is a Timmy Ton writ small. What, you may ask, is the
problem with Timmy Ton? At personal level he questions my heritage.
In my particular case said heritage is passed on thru the female
line. To question it is to be offensive towards my mother. No man
should stand by and allow his mother to be insulted. I responded in
kind. Timmy did not stand up for his mother.
Timmy also has no problem with military rockets being fired into
primary schools and folk's homes. At least he takes a dim view of the
appropriate response. That is the height of callousness. Children
should always be protected. And few material possessions are more
precious than one's home. They represent years of hard work.
Apart from that he stands for all that is low, vulgar, indecent, and
offensive. A good two thirds of this list could be applied to
You will understand why I dislike the creature.
Oh, and like you, I miss the Goons. Must stop by the BBC shop