1506 and Boltar
On Aug 30, 9:56*am, "Railsigns.co.uk" wrote:
On Aug 30, 11:37*am, 1506 wrote:
On Aug 29, 8:22*pm, "Railsigns.co.uk" wrote:
That's because the Tories tend to do well in the affluent countryside
constituencies that cover the largest geographical areas. Even in the
event of a Labour landslide, those maps would still look pretty blue.
The countryside: That would be farms. *Farmers are the folks who work
long hours to put food on your table. *They are common sense people.
They vote Conservative because they have worked very hard for what
they have.
Are you saying that the Labour Party's core voters - the working class
- don't work hard? There's a clue in the name.
My family have always been working class. We have always worked
hard. My paternal Grandfather was a tin worker in South Wales. Few
worked so hard for so little.
OTOH had the workers of the UK all been doing their jobs to the best
of their reasonable ability, for the past 60 years, the UK would still
have a World Class Aircract Industry, a succesful Auto Industry, not
to mention Steel, etc. etc.
As to what causes people to vote Conservative, mainly it's the
combination of being both well-off and selfish: "I'm all right, Jack".
Then there are the xenophobes and bigots, if they haven't switched to
voting UKIP or BNP. And some people are just plain clueless or too
young to remember the Thatcher years.
Some of us choose to vote Conservative, no one causes us to do so. We
believe in personal responsibility, moral values, reward for hard
work, stabiliy, individual rights & responsibilities, law & order, a
strong country, etc., etc., etc. We are not all wealthy, nor think
"I'm alright Jack".
The Reagan, Thatcher, Mulroney, years are fondly remembered by many.
Do you have a problem with that?
Nowhere in the post you replied to did I even suggest I had a problem
with anything.
You found country dwellers guilty of being wealthy, and voting Tory.
As a teenager, I helped out on a farm in the County of Buckingham. I
can asure you that the workers, and the farm manager, were far from
Nock the countryside if you wish. *You are biting the hand that feeds you.
You are reading words that I did not write. I would never "nock" the
countryside and neither would I knock it. I was brought up in the
countryside, for flip sake.
Thank you for the correction. See above for comments about "rural