Allegedly mid morning [1] but I'm not going to hold my breath ;-)
[1] according to comments on other blogs.
Apparently, it really is, finally, open:
And I actually rode on it from Stratford to S'ford International.
Not been up to S'ford Int'l for ages, so it was good to get a look around
- while it's still a building site, there are plenty of signs that things
are all coming into place - the fences are starting to come down along
Leyton Road (?) and Stratford City is looking ready to rock.
Plenty of the Athletes' Village (apostrophe correct?) looks done and all
getting very exciting.
The biggest shame is how few people there were at Stratford International
at 7pm - I know it's tricky to get to (currently) but still, I would have
expected greater patronage on the Kent services after nearly 2 years.