Is there an easy way of knowing which stations charge same as tubes?
Arthur Figgis wrote:
On 01/09/2011 16:10, tim.... wrote:
"Arthur wrote in message
On 31/08/2011 15:00, tim.... wrote:
wrote in message
On Aug 31, 11:16 am, Tristán
If you're on the move, no smartphone or ipad to hand, and normally no
staff anywhere, how does one know whether one will be charged a "tube"
fair from an NR station or a rail fair?
There is a map here...
In the case of Epsom Downs (and Tattenham Corner) I think it could have
been a case of tidying things up by bringing the whole of each branch into
the zones, rather than having loose ends hanging out over the edge. Epsom
itself is a slightly different situation, as there are non-London ways in
and out (and if Epsom comes in, it's not far to Leatherhead. But seeing as
the trains run through to Dorking, why not end there? And while we are in
Dorking, there's not actually that many trains on the line to Horsham, so
why not... and thus serious mission creep appears).
I'm aware of why Epsom Downs, Tattenham Corner and Caterham were included,
though it still doesn't make sense. If this was about tidying up
terminating lines that go just over the boundary (and it's a pretty big
stretch to say that the TC and Caterham lines go *just* over) what about
An obvious difference is that Shepperton is SWT, while the others are
Southern - maybe Southern played decided to nice(r)?
Ewell West and Hampton Court are SWT
Tattenham Corner is just about walking distance to Epsom Downs, could
there be risk of skewing journey patterns if one was Oyster and one wasn't?
But why were the Ewells included in zone 6?