Changing from NR to Northern Line at Moorgate
Can someone tell and all the other websites, apps,
etc etc, that if you want to go from Bowes Park to London Bridge, it's
a hell of a lot easier to change at Moorgate (down one tiny escalator
- about 20 seconds all in) than at Old Street (which takes about 3
Everywhere recommends changing at Old Street, which I cannot
understand. Moorgate is so much easier.
Incidentally, when using PAYG, there's a yellow touchpad at the top of
the escalator. I have an annual so this doesn't concern me personally,
but merely out of curiosity, if a PAYG user did not touch that pad
with one's Oyster while making the transfer, could he or she be
charged for any non-starting or non-ending journeys? What with Bowes
Park being a National Rail PAYG fare-station rather than a TfL PAYG
(I know that TfL have just announced the getting rid of the £4
overcharge for when people forget to touch in or touch out - but if I
understand it correctly, this is only for when the system spots a
regular journey. And I guess it won't apply in the case of the NR PAYG
journeys either, though I haven't read confirmation of that, yet.)