Prohibition-era train steams onto New York subway for 1920s TV series
On Sep 8, 3:13*am, Michael Wares wrote:
Love to see some footage on YouTube.
There are some videos at
Michael Wares
Thank you - great footage..
I read in a book about the NY Transit System about how these Low-V
cars survived. I'm not sure of the details but the story went
something like this.
In the late 1900s a supervisor had it in mind to scrap all the old
stock, and to tour the depots and sidings to ensure that all had gone.
A consist of Low-Vs had been hidden in railway sidings by staff away
from the prying eyes of those who wanted to scrap them.
One day said supervisor decided to check out rumours of where the cars
were. A member of staff heard about this and decided to get the cars
moved somewhere else. As soon as the supervisor arrived at the place
of rumour the cars were no longer there. Apparently they were moved
around the system in a kind of cat and mouse chase, with amazed
commuters watching the vintage cars pass through the stations. I
believe eventually they were shunted up a disused tunnel spur and left
until discovery many years later.
Once re-discovered they then became the main feature at the Transit
Museum in the disused station at Brooklyn Heights. And it is these
that form the Museum Train being used today.