WCML classic service after HS2
On Sep 17, 6:04*am, allantracy wrote:
Cars have been the future of transportation for quite some time, and
probably will be for a while!
Hmm.. transport came in this order first the roads then the canals
then the railways then air.
Railways are a new technology and it's only the f**ked up transport
economics we have in this country, denying a fair playing field for
railways, that has stopped them reigning supreme the way they do
Railways are indeed a nineteenth century technology but proper roads
were invented by the Romans, which makes roads an outdated BC
The future for cars looks very bleak unless they can be persuaded to
run on electricity.
Though there was a steam car around a while ago how ironic would that
Mind you, if we turned our cities over to cycles, affording them
similar priority, that would probably be the finish for cars.
I personally would far prefer to do my numerous short car journeys on
a bike and it's only the lack of a death wish that has stopped me from
doing so.
Should have typed "Electic Cars have been the future of
transportation for quite some time". At one point there were electic
charging points in some parking lots in California. They have all
gone now.