Motorway map in the style of the London Underground
On 2011\09\27 14:27, Mizter T wrote:
"Bruce" wrote:
"Mizter T" wrote:
"Robin9" wrote:
'Basil Jet Wrote:
. . . . this map is ultimately a self-indulgent exercise, in that the
reason it exists is not to convert a screen into a map, but to convert
its author into a cartographer.
You may well be right. I can't think of any other reason for creating
something so utterly useless.
What a bunch of miserable sods you are! It's just a bit of harmless fun,
Yes, it's a bit of harmless fun ... until people start using it to
navigate. The fact it exists means that, before long, some people
will use it.
On second thoughts, you've won me over - it should be banned by the
State Censorship Office lest it causes potential harm to the good honest
I've just been onto the State Censorship Office, and apparently they are
not interested in which maps people produce, but they are interested in
what criticisms people make of maps... so you can contact them to get
Robin9 and me busted.