"Heathrow and Gatwick airports: Ministers mull rail link" (twixt
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:24:03 +0100
Bruce wrote:
In the 1990s I managed a large programme of research which included
Oh really? Which one? Give it was large I'm sure there must be a link to
some info about it?
climate change impacts on the UK. Inevitably, I also had to learn
about the science that underpinned the predictions of those impacts.
Not very well it seems plus the science has rather improved in 20 years.
The idea that there is an "almost universal scientific consensus" is a
complete fallacy. The so-called "consensus" is a political construct
by the leaders of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
I see conspiracy corner is open for business and tickets are selling well.
(IPCC). Anyone who wants to carry out climate change research funded
by governments has to sign up to that so-called "consensus" before
they can even apply for funding. They also have to undertake never to
release any results that question or contradict the so-called
So all governments are in on the conspiracy are they, even the russians?
Perhaps you should get together with your fellow mouth breathers on the flip
side of the braindead coin you all inhabit who insist that all governments are
in cahoots with the oil companies and don't care about the climate. Then you
can have a bitch fight while I get the popcorn.
That means that researchers have to agree what their conclusions will
Of course they do dear. Whatever you say. Have a nice cup of tea.
reset of ranting drivel snipped
If you think writing pages of paranoid prose that could have been cut and
pasted from any number of pig ignorant US websites somehow makes your argument
seem stronger then I've got bad news for you pal.