Baker St.(Met) and Met operations
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Do the platforms at Baker St. which are used by Met trains heading to/
from Aldgate ever get used for trains which terminate at Baker St.?
Are all the Met platforms at Baker St. used fairly intensively or is
there capacity for a train to be stabled out of use when defective or
as a stand-by?
Do trains stick to Aldgate or "non-Aldgate" services for most of the
day or do they interwork between the two?
What determines which diagrams will be allocated "A Stock" and which
"S Stock"?
Does the Chesham branch work better as a "through" service or should
it have been left as a shuttle?
The all-day through services to/from Chesham haven't made a big difference.
Four cars were sufficient and the change at Chalfont isn't (wasn't!)
complicated. One unfortunate outcome might be that it may now be more
difficult to make a refund claim!
It is ironic that a passenger survey was held over the "proposed" changeover
from the shuttle to through services when, once the decision to acquire the
S stock had been made, the decision was surely a fait acconpli.