"Modernisation of Irish Rail : 1997 - 2011" Talk.
For the benefit of those living within easy reach of Birmingham,
Oliver Doyle is giving his talk TOMORROW to the Midlands section of
the Railway Study Association: Wednesday 19 October at 1800 in the
Mailbox, non-members welcome.
"In what became known as the era of the Celtic Tiger, the economy of
the Republic of Ireland grew at an extraordinary rate. Its cities and
towns developed fast, and the railway network was asked to play a
major part in meeting the needs of growth, especially in the Dublin
region. Oliver Doyle took part in its response. He is, as those who
have heard him before will confirm, an excellent speaker, and this
will be a most interesting and informative presentation."
Chris Turnbull wrote:
If Oliver Doyle is half as good as he was for the RSA on our visit to
the west of Ireland in 2008 you are in for an entertaining and
educational evening. He gave a most erudite and articulate talk on IE
well illustrated with his own photographs as well as arranging visits
to railway installations such as the Athlone level crossing control
centre. Great stuff!
I have also heard him speak before and was very impressed.