On Oct 24, 6:01*pm, Paul Corfield wrote:
On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 01:19:15 -0700 (PDT), Paul
Just came across this on BBC News
The only "fully remote" metro I have used is the VAL system in Lille,
and the trains there are far too small to be able to cope with the
crowds in London. *"Fully remote" operation would require platform
edge doors at every station, and I would be very surprised if that
could be achieved in 9 years, given current budget constraints.
There are other examples of driverless automated metros. The North
East line and recently completed Circle line in Singapore are fully
automated and many trains run without any staff on board. *The
Singapore MRT is not exactly a backwater system and carries high
volumes. *I would expect the next MRT line - the Downtown Line - will
also be fully automated and it will have a high level of patronage
given its route. The stations are designed with platform edge doors to
provide full segregation from the track. *On the older MRT lines half
height platform edge gates are being fitted at open air stations while
underground stations have platform edge doors.
I'm not sure how Hong Kong MTR is proceeding but the new South Island
line will probably be fully automatic given it is physically separate
from other MTR lines. *I'd expect the MTR will make the move to full
automation at some point when control system and rolling stock renewal
permit it. *Underground stations have had PEDs retrofitted while the
few open air stations on the older lines don't yet have doors or gates
at the platform edge. Newer lines have had PEDs from opening.
I suspect there may also be other fully automated lines in Asia but
I'm not sufficiently knowledgeable about those systems.
Paul C
I didn't realise the Singapore system was automated. I was there last
year and used the MRT quite a bit.
However, is it not much easier to build an automated system from
scratch rather than convert an existing system? Think of the testing
that would be involved, not to mention the considerable cost of
converting existing infrastructure.
I would suspect that lines, or sections of lines, will be considered
for conversion to ATO as their track and rolling stock comes up for
renewal. Would you not have to do certain lines as a group as well? It
would be difficult to imagine an automated Circle Line and a non
automated District Line running side by side.