martin j wrote in
Hi there,
New Travelcard regime of only zones 2 and 3 for a normal journey from
south London zone 3 to Canary Wharf via Canada Water and NOT via
London Bridge has not worked out. Got charged £1.90 for journey home,
but this was only touching in at Canary Wharf and out at south London
zone 3. Either my idea is wrong or I should have touched in/out
somewhere along my journey, like at either Canada Water and/or Crystal
Palace. Any suggestions before I plead my case to TfL,
Martin J
For most "South London Zone 3" stations (e.g. Balham [National Rail]) the
default is via Zone 1 and for the cheaper fare you need
"To ensure you are charged the appropriate fare you must touch on the pink
card reader on the Oyster route validator if interchanging at Canada Water"
t.aspx?mode=alternate&on=Canary+Wharf&dn=Balham+%5 bNational+Rail%