On 06/11/2011 22:29, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 22:08:34
on Sun, 6 Nov 2011, Nick Finnigan remarked:
The one I'm thinking of has a small traffic island, but you could turn
left past it; in other words you are saying the silver hatchback here
could immediately turn left (despite being in the wrong lane and facing a
red light): http://tinyurl.com/6kkff8b
It's facing a red light with a green arrow (well, if it wasn't forward of
the line it would be). So I think it's legal.
Taking a step forwards, we can deduce that the light to the right has a
green arrow for turning right - and so the silver hatchback could
certainly have forked right when that was showing.
Not until it shows, of course. The right-turning light (which is actually a
solid green rather than an arrow) is the last of the three lanes to get the
go-ahead, some time after the middle lane gets a green light.
In that case you can turn left or right or go ahead from the centre or
right lane whilst the right most-light is showing green
To complicate matters, the light for the middle lane has a green forwards
arrow, so maybe that's another reason why you couldn't filter left; but to
pick up a point from much earlier in the thread, you won't know that [it's
a forward-only light] if all you can see is a *red* light (that you believe
you can pass in order to filter left).
At some points you will see a solid green and a red which may be dead.