Crossrail construction contracts let at low prices
"D1039" wrote in message
On Nov 24, 9:05 pm, Bruce wrote:
Posted without comment:
Contractors reveal cut price deals for latest Crossrail contract
24 November, 2011
Crossrail’s Farringdon and Whitechapel main station contracts will be
delivered for less than half the anticipated £625M price, it has
emerged today.
The two winning consortiums will deliver the stations for a combined
BBMV, a joint venture of Balfour Beatty, Morgan Sindall and Vinci
Construction, will build Whitechapel station for £110M. It was
originally expected to cost up to £250M.
A three-way joint venture of Kier, Bam Nuttall and Ferrovial will
build Farringdon station for a “£200Mplus” contract on the Crossrail
scheme for major works at Farringdon station, a statement from the JV
said. It was originally expected to cost up to £375M.
I believe the original estimates will have included an "optimism bias"
mark up
Putting the pips back in.