tim wrote:
But AIUI the cost of the equipment in the buses has been spent.
What was missing was some common sense by the Bus operator
to actually decide to instruct their drivers to use it.
Yes the equipment *is* in place - I actually meant the time and expense to
train the drivers to use it and how to deal with members of the public,
especially the disabled who, through no fault of their own, may hold the bus
up for longer than able-bodied people while getting on and off.
TfL's training initiative is all very well but surely it would be
unnecessary if drivers had been trained in more than just the mechanics of
driving a bus at the recruitment stage. People-management and diplomacy are
even more important now that busses are used by more than just the 'Great
Unwashed' (those who couldn't afford a car) since the introduction of
Congestion Charges.
Phil ,,,^.".^,,,
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