DaveG73 wrote:
Please dont tar us all with the same brush.
I for one am quite happy to lower my ramp for a wheelchair user,
particularly when it means upsetting some woman with a baby in a
pushchair, who seems to think that they have a right to use the bus
ahead of everyone else, despite the fact that there is limited space
for the storage of unfolded pushchairs.
Please don't take this as a hatred of people with pushchairs, the
majority of them are reasonable people, however, the small minority
really grey the area for me.
They really should appreciate the fact that they are lucky to have
low floor easy access buses, where I come from originally maybe 1 in
10 buses have this facility, so perhaps unsurprisingly, people
actually fold up their pushchairs to get on buses.
I'm not tarring all bus drivers with the same brush. As in all groups it's
always the exceptions that get the publicity, and those exceptions are the
ones that get people's backs up.
I agree with you about the pushchairs. Maybe the technology involved in
folding a pushchair is just too much for the average young mum ;-) I
remember my mum rushing to fold my sister's chair as the old RF on the 236
hove into view. And the practiced balancing act with the toddler, the
shopping and the chair climbing those 2 steep steps at the front of the bus!
In those days the chairs didn't fold down as efficiently or as small as
modern ones.
Phil ,,,^.".^,,,
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