Aldwych : Proposals in the 60s
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February 16th 04, 09:52 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Nov 2003
Posts: 138
Aldwych : Proposals in the 60s
(Boltar) wrote in message . com...
Sam Holloway wrote in message . ..
The third was extending the Aldwych branch of the Piccadilly through
to Waterloo. I was aware that this had been considered as it's been
mentioned here before, and on a couple of websites, including CULG.
But what I didn't know is that, according to this book, the necessary
'powers have been granted'. That implies planning got to a rather
advanced stage. So my question : is that really the case, and what
happened that brought things to a halt?
On a related theme , does anyone know how far the running tunnels extend south
of aldwych? Do they reach the river?
No - according to Hywel Williams, IIRC, the overrun tunnels only carry
on past Aldywch for about thirty-odd meters before they stop,
somewhere under the Strand.
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