bus partitions
On Dec 27, 7:51*pm, "
On 27/12/2011 23:52, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
On Dec 27, 6:21 pm, Miles *wrote:
Neil *writes:
SEPTA, unlike NYC, accepts dollar bills on its buses. *I don't know
why NYC's fareboxes aren't set up to handle that.
The US could really, really do with $1, $2 and $5 coins for this sort
of purpose. *I genuinely do not understand why people are so
"If dollar bills were good enough for Jesus, they're good enough for me!"
It must mean something that the $1 bill was not redesigned with the
giant portrait when all(? I haven't seen a $2 bill since my 1993 visit
to Monticello -- where the admission fee was $8 so that they could
return Jeffersons in change) the other bills in circulation ($5, $10,
$20, $50, $100) were.
p.s. By random luck, I got a ¥100 paper note in a store a while back:
a customer was trying to use it, and the store wouldn't take it
(though they're technically still legal tender), so I bought off her
for a ¥100 coin... :]
I did that with a $2 bill once in eastern Ohio at a gas station
convenience store.
I think that two-dollar bills would be easy enough to come by as they
are in general circulation. Just go to a bank and ask for a few.-
Have you ever seen one?
Have you ever seen a cash register till with a slot for them?
Has the store cashier ever seen one?
I'm going to the bank tomorrow -- I'll try to remember to ask if they
have any on hand.
(Part of their unpopularity was said to have to do with their
association -- generations ago -- with two-dollar whores and two-
dollar bets at the track, where apparently you were supposed to tear
off a corner for luck, which would have taken them out of circulation
long before what would have been their natural lifespan, about 18
months, if they were in regular usage.)