Why People Won't Use Public Transport in London
Andrew P Smith wrote the following in:
LU has been heavily criticised in the past for providing no
information to the passengers about problems. I agree with you
that there are now too many announcements about service etc but I
feel an on train announcement re beggars every 20 mins or so would
not be amiss.
I've only really seen beggars on trains on the Heathrow section of the
Piccadilly line, the NLL and occasionally on the District line. I'd be
very annoyed if I was constantly being warned about beggars that I
never see, especially seeing as when I have encountered beggars no one
has given them money anyway.
message by Robin May, enforcer of sod's law.
The Hutton Report is a whitewash! Long live the BBC!
To annoy people in a slow lift: run up the stairs faster than the lift
moves and press the lift call button on each floor.