Metal Thefts Soar ...
On Wed, 28 Dec 2011 06:30:47 -0800 (PST)
D1039 wrote:
Home secretary wants to boot out some asylum seeker who's commited murder=
? No
chance , because Sir Justice I'm-all-right-jack-in-my-country-retreat
****wit-Smyth will be along any minute to overturn it on appeal and pat
himself on the back at what a good little liberal he's been.
Remembering of course that the judiciary follow sentancing guidelines,
their deliberations on which are published and are subject to appeal
(inckuding in cases of leniency)
I suspect your beef is with the guidelines
There are no guidelines for that sort of thing and besides which there's a
world of difference between guidelines and rules. The judges just love to
take the human rights act to the extreme just to stick it to the politicians.
If these worthy fossils want the power of elected office they should stand
for it though I suspect they realise that no one would vote for them in a
million years so they try and aquire power through the back door.