Am 01.01.2012 16:16, schrieb Wolfgang Schwanke:
Oliver wrote in
This rotten company in Berlin should be closed. Tendering the S-Bahn
services could be the first step.
Re-nationalise it. A different commercial operator will squeeze it for
profit just like the current one.
Sqeeze for profit? How to make profit with a company with a lack of 50%
in efficiency compared to other ones, when all bidding for the same tender?
It's the taxpayer who pays for keeping that last socialistic company in
Germany alive. But as the state of Berlin who pays for these S-Bahn
services higher prices then necessary is more or less bankrupt and gets
financed by a few other Länder anyway, Berlin does not care, if to spent
a few dozen millions of (external) Euros per year more or less for the
In 2008 the S-Bahn received 294 mill. Euro of public money for running
the train services, meaning a subsidy of 7.5 Euro Cent per passenger
kilometre in addition to the fare revenues.
And its the same with other public transport in Berlin (metro, tramway,
buses). Its level of cost coverage is at 36% (2008). This is sigficantly
lower than for very other big city in Germany, where the average cost
covergae in public transport is at about 60% (2007).
Oliver Schnell