Have a Countdown display next to your toaster.
Or on your office door
I missed this last September when Countdown went on net.
If you want to try it with your Kindle (3G or Wi-Fi) or other device
just point the web browser at :-
bus stop search and 15 second auto update.
Which also solves the problem I reported last year that the Kindle
browser doesn't play nice with http:/countdown.tfl.gov.uk - nothing
gets in the search box
So I was using the bookmark
http://m.countdown.tfl.gov.uk/arrivals/75880 and changing the 5 digit
TfL bus stop number from 75880 to whatever is on the bus stop code
plate (example Text 75880 to 87287).
Now I can do a proper search, though giving too little info seems the
best. "Wood Street" gives a long list to select from but "Wood Street
Kingston" gives nothing.
Mike D