CharlieCards v.v. Oyster (and Octopus?)
In message , at 19:29:03 on Thu, 19 Jan
2012, Michael Finfer remarked:
I doubt that a Smart Card would be used for bridge and tunnel tolls as
most cars in the greater New York area are equipped with special
transponders that toll gates read. They can also be used on other road
agencies' territories -- even in Ontario, in Canada.
Who knows, though?
It's the same technology, RFID, but tapping a smart card at a toll
booth defeats the big advantage that electronic tolling systems have:
no need to stop and open your window.
I'm not sure why any agency would go the smart card route for tolls.
Instead of cash, for non-regular users. There's a toll bridge/tunnel at
the Thames Estuary, for example, and while they have a transponder
scheme my usage of the crossing when I lived nearby was only perhaps
once a year. A contactless credit card seems a better bet than adding
interoperability to any particular transport smart card though.
Roland Perry