London Congestion Zone charge
On 20/01/2012 21:08, Adam H. Kerman wrote:
Roland wrote:
at 18:31:57 on Fri, 20 Jan 2012, John remarked:
I'm not sure why any agency would go the smart card route for tolls.
Instead of cash, for non-regular users. There's a toll bridge/tunnel at
the Thames Estuary, for example, and while they have a transponder
scheme my usage of the crossing when I lived nearby was only perhaps
once a year. A contactless credit card seems a better bet than adding
interoperability to any particular transport smart card though.
We already have interoperable toll transponders with E-ZPass.
Off-hand I can only think of three toll routes in the UK, plus the
London Congestion Zone (which I think doesn't have a transponder).
I realise toll routes are much more common in the USA.
I didn't realize there were no transponders. It's enforced entirely
with photographs of license plates?
Yes, the London congestion charging uses cameras with licence-plate
recognition software.