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Old February 20th 04, 11:31 PM posted to
Thomas Crame Thomas Crame is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Nov 2003
Posts: 31
Default Aldwych : Proposals in the 60s

"jmu2000" security novels @ free wrote in message ...
"Colin" wrote in message

On a related theme , does anyone know how far the running tunnels

of aldwych? Do they reach the river?


No they don't. They go less than 10 metres past the end of the platform,
which means they must be at least 100metres from the Thames Embankment.

On a slightly different tangent however, the overrun tunnels east of Charing
Cross on the Jubilee Line do almost reach Aldwych, indicating one
possibility that was considered at one time. I don't know whether the track
runs the entire length though, or what lurks at the very end (parts of the
TBM I expect).

John M Upton

I'm not sure if the Charing Cross overruns are fully tracked or not.
I'm fairly sure they aren't track circuited for their whole length,
and I seem to recall one of the signal operations managers saying the
track wasn't laid for the whole distance.