German fare dodgers cause headache for public transport operators- The Guardian
On Feb 3, 4:36*pm, bob wrote:
On the other hand, on our local buses (in CH, any door boarding,
ocasional checks) the company seems to take a very "fair play"
attitude to checks. *last time I was on a bus that got checked, the
driver announced on the PA that a check would happen at the next stop
so that anyone without a ticket could buy one from the on board
machine. *I am told by others that checkers have been known to get on
and stand around in uniform obviously, waiting for people to go buy
their tickets before starting the check.
When I was over in Den Haag for a bit, I found the inspectors normally
just marched anyone who had "forgotten" to validate their
Strippenkaart to the machine to do so, rather than issuing penalties
of any kind.