DLR platform display clocks
Basil Jet wrote:
On 2012\02\07 22:13, Bruce wrote:
Basil wrote:
On 2012\02\07 19:41, Star Fury wrote:
I wonder what the source of the authoritative time for the UK Railway
actually is, now?
At least one railway company gave its staff Eurochron radio controlled
watches which got their signal from Mainflingen, Germany.
Surely from the atomic clocks at Anthorn, Cumbria?
I don't think Eurochron (Junghans) ever produced a watch which received
the British time signal, BICBW. The Mainflingen signal is easily
receivable in most if not all of England (as opposed to Scotland).
Thanks, a personal email also confirmed that the German signal has a
range in excess of 2000 km. Remarkable.