On 25/02/2012 09:01, Arthur Figgis wrote:
On 25/02/2012 01:01, Graham Nye wrote:
Can't you buy tickets for the entire journey at your initial station?
Buying a through ticket should also get you your Tube ticket (shows an
extra + on your ticket) so you won't have to buy that separately.
(At an extortionate £4 each way - Boris doesn't like non-Oystered
non-Londoners passing through his territory.)
At least you /can/ pass through London, unlike, say, Paris.
In the sense of your through rail tickets not covering the Métro
connection, presumably? (I haven't tried that combination.)
Still a single Métro ticket is only 1.70 euros (£1.46) which is rather
more reasonable than the Boris fine if you don't order through tickets
across London.
(More information on Métro tickets at
http://www.seat61.com/Paris-metro.htm ,
to save you all from my witterings.)
Graham Nye