Freedom Pass and Oyster Pre Pay?
"Sunil Sood" wrote in message
My father's old Freedom Pass has just been renewed/replaced by a new style
Its appears to be effectively a specially designed Oyster card but none of
the documentation/notes that come with it make any reference to "Oyster"
all - only to the new "'smartcard' freedom pass"
As such, does anyone know if these new Freedom Passes can be loaded with
Pay? ( I haven't been able to get my hands on it yet to try loading
If it is possible to use Pre-Pay with a Freedom Pass card - it seems a
"slight" oversight not to mention it - not all journeys over 60's make is
after 9 AM.!
Also, I note that the Freedom Pass is now valid for two years (until 31st
March 2006) - am I correct in thinking that in the past they were only
for one year?
They've always been valid for two years.