Crossrail tunnelling to start shortly
On 15/03/2012 20:48, Bruce wrote:
On Mar 15, 10:53 am, Mizter wrote:
Tunnel boring
So, it's finally really happening.
Most days I travel one way or the other through Paddington on the
Hamcity& Mersmith line and I've been watching the machinery being
assembled bit by bit. Its impressive kit. I don't recall the channel
tunnel machinery being as impressive but maybe grey cells are
The Channel Tunnel machinery was crude and simplistic on the British
side, but extremely sophisticated and impressive on the French side.
The British tunnelling engineers laughed at the French machines,
Which engineers, and how do you know that they did?
It doesn't seen the sort of thing that engineers (real engineers, rather
than repairmen or shopkeepers) who I've come across would do, as most
seem to find different approaches to specific problems to be quite
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK